Well Check Out What We Did To Our New Home!
<-- This is the view of the front from the back when we first moved in.
Same View, Now -->

<-- Before
After -->
It took a lot of people and a lot of Work but it was worth every minute of it.
<--- Vincent doing the wiring for the Surround sound.
Our Fabulous Contractor Jamz Samaniego
who has done an amazing job. -->
<---- Raquel, see she didn't even go home to sleep! Talk about Dedication!
Yes, it did take 4 People to put
up the lace. But it was more
than worth it. -->
Arrvada painting the fridge, Olga
(Yes we named the Fridge!)
Raquel on her way to Home Depot,
for the one millionth and 1st time
Some of our Volunteers were more cute
than helpful.
Raquel got loose with a can of spray paint....
It was a lot of work, but it was worth it....
Come see the New Face of Image Provocateur & VIP-CAT Academy
232 Vernon Street
Roseville, CA 95678
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