Real Weddings
Will Feature
Hair & Makeup by
Image Provocateur &
VIP-CAT Cosmetics

Our Wonderful Makeup Artist, Jenifer Haupt had the privilege of doing Sarah's hair and makeup on her wedding day. So you can imagine how thrilled we were to find out that we had been teamed up with Sarah once again for the fabulous photo shoot with Real Weddings.
It was a fun and fast paced day at the beautiful Citizen Hotel in Sacramento. Three Real Life bride's were the subjects, each one paired with a team of artists to do their hair & makeup.
The wonderful Beth Baugher of True Love Photo took the three of them singly and together to capture some amazing shots.
All three of the beautiful brides will be featured on the Summer Edition of Real Weddings, but the Fall Issue will feature Sarah by herself as the Cover Model Contest Winner.
The Artists of Image Provocateur were honored to once again be a part of this amazing contest and thrilled to be the team that won the cover!
Real Weddings
True Love Photo
Image Provocateur