On Sunday May 30, 2010 downtown Roseville came alive with Models, Makeup & Mayhem!
20 Models & 7 Photographers descended upon Image Provocateur for a fast paced day of high fashion art.
The Shoot-Out was organized by Raquel Siders of Image Provocateur & VIP-CAT Makeup Academy. Models & Makeup artists were provided by VIP-CAT Makeup Academy, many of which were graduates of the Makeup Academy.
Raquel Siders visualized the concept and through her efforts arranged a spectacular environment for the photographers and models. Using Graduates of VIP-CAT Makeup Academy, all of which are now working Professionally in the Makeup Industry, Raquel created a glamorous, high fashion pin-up look on all the models.

aquel also gathered and organized the models, makeup & hair teams to provide the photographers with a fabulous environment in which to capture the essence of Pin-up glam.
The Salon, Image Provocateur was the back drop and in some ways the driving inspiration for the shoot. Choosing a high fashion, rocker edge, with

classic pin-up glamor and the colorful body art of tattoos, Raquel was able to create a perfect environment for some amazing art.
This shoot was by Invite Only, so only a few select photographers got the chance to join this Rockin' Shoot-Out!

Our Next Shoot-Out is going to be scheduled for Mid August. If you thought The Pin-Up & Paint Shoot-Out was awesome, you ain't seen nothin' yet! Set in a gothic cemetary, this dark wedding themed shoot will combine gothic, horror and high fashion glam elements.

We haven't cast our models or photographers yet, so don't wait, you know you want to be part of it!
If you want to model or shoot it, email Raquel at imageprov@yahoo.com
The Pin-Up & Paint Shoot-Out was Amazing, thanks in part to these fabulous Photographers:

Igor Kondrya
Ozan Ulucan
Jim Parks
Revolver 6
Andrew Luo
Rendy Lai
Lynn Truong
All Makeup & Hair Provided by:
Image Provocateur & VIP-CAT Makeup Academy

Photos provided by:
Revolver 6 Photography